Can an ultrasonic test be used to confirm the qualification of a welder?
The use of ultrasonics in checking the quality of welding test parts depends on the standard code used.
ASME standard
In the ASME IX standard from version 2010 onwards, this possibility has been provided.
According to QW-192.2 and QW-304, ultrasonic can be used to confirm the qualification of the welder, provided that the sheet thickness is 13 mm and above.
You should also use a WRITTEN PRACTICE that complies with SECTION V – ARTICLE 1 – T-150 and the requirements of ARTICLE 4
In this standard, the acceptance criterion is according to QW-191.2.3.
API standard
According to the API 1104 standard, the ultrasonic method can also be used according to paragraph 6.6 of this standard. The only point here is that the test method should be Automated Ultrasonic Testing.
ISO standard
According to the ISO 9606-1:2013 standard, ultrasonic can also be used.
According to paragraph c of table 13 (page 19) of ISO 9606-1 standard, in cases where the test coupon is made of ferritic steel and the thickness is more than 8 mm, UT test can be used instead of RT.
The point here is that after UT, Bend test can be removed for processes like GMAW.
In the AWS standard, this possibility is not provided yet.