Contact Tam Taban Technologies Company
On this page, you can see contact information and ways to communicate with Tam Taban Technologies
How can you communicate with Tam Taban Technologies?
Dear users, in order to communicate in person, you can go to the address of Tehran – Towheed Square – Pacham Street – No. 36 – Second Floor – Unit 4 (Tam Taban Technologies Company) during working hours, you can also contact by phone with Contact the numbers 021-66576093, 021-66576094 and 021-66433185 with Tam Taban Technologies Company. Also, if needed, you can fax your documents to 021-66433716 and email them to
Communicating through the form:
Dear users, in addition to the methods mentioned in the above section, you can also use the form below to submit your questions and answers. After receiving your form and initial checks, the public relations unit of Tam Taban Company will immediately refer it to the relevant unit and as soon as possible our experts will contact you via e-mail or phone call and inform you about issues and questions. They will answer and give advice.
It should be noted that you should pay attention to enter all the fields carefully and with the correct values, so that our experts can communicate with you through the information you have entered after checking your form. Thank you for your communication and patience in the public relations department of Tam Taban Technologies Company.
Phone: 021-66576093
Fax: 021-66433716
Phone: 021-66576094
Academy: 021-66433185
Address: No. 36, 2nd floor, Unit 4, Parcham St., Towheed Square, Tehran
Working hours: 9 am to 5 pm