The course of preparation of welding instructions

The purpose of this course is to train the participants for the practical use of ASME Sec. IX is for the preparation and compilation of WPS welding instructions and how to approve PQR, as well as familiarizing yourself with how to approve the qualification of a welder. This course is for experts of engineering units, inspectors and supervisors of quality control unit during the construction and installation of welded structures and joints.

List of titles



The course of preparation of welding instructions

Introduction and history of the standard
Introduction and History of ASME Codes
Welding processes
Welding variables (basic – basic auxiliary and non-basic)
Welding metallurgy and heat treatment in welding (preheating…)
Knowing the base metal and welding consumables
Familiarity with destructive tests
How to prepare WPS
How to prepare PQR
Practical exercise for preparation of WPS